students happy

A Busy Start of Term

Posted: 4th October 2015

At Brampton College we have had a busy and productive start to the new academic year.
Last week we welcomed our new parents at a social evening in college. Bernard Canetti, the Principal, spoke and the parents were able to meet their son’s or daughter’s teachers. The evening was a great success, and the overwhelming feeling was that students have settled into the college and are very happy to have made the decision to move to Brampton. The evening was also an opportunity to reward some of our students from last year for their outstanding academic achievement at A level .
These students are:

Shyam Dattani
Shyam gained grades A*A*A in Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry and has achieved a placed to study Dentistry at King’s College, London.

Acacia Zhong
Acacia gained grades A*A*AA in Mathematics, Physics, Economics and Further Mathematics and is continuing her studies in Economics at LSE.

Lucas Cheng
Lucus gained grades A*A*AA in Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Further Mathematics and has achieved a place to study Pharmacology at UCL.

Jessica Katz
Jess achieved grades A*AA in Economics, Religious Studies and Geography and will be studying Geography at UCL.

The last few weeks have been very busy. Our AS students have been introduced to a new initiative – ULAS. This is an innovative online platform bridging the gap between schools and employers. It helps young people develop their skills portfolio and prepare for the next step after school, whether that is employment, via higher apprenticeships, or university. It also serves as a platform for young people to explore employment opportunities in their local area. This will add to the programme of talks, workshops and career advice the students receive in their AS year.
Academic departments have started the year’s awards to students who have made great efforts in their studies. The Biology Department has made its first award of the year to Anjili Pindoria and the Chemistry and English Departments have announced their shortlists with the winners to be announced next week. Well done to all the students.
The AS Classics students enjoyed a terrific afternoon of Greek drama at The Globe Theatre, a rare chance to see all of Aeschylus’s masterpiece, the Oresteia, in one go. This is the only tragic trilogy that has come down to us from classical Athens – Athenians would have seen all three plays plus a fourth, a kind of burlesque called a satyr-play, on one day, and then turned up for the same dose of tragedy on the next two days. They clearly had an appetite for it. Striking costumes, intriguing melodies and choreography, powerful performances, blood and gore (a lot of it), obscenity (not too much, mind) but most of all timeless family rivalries and magnificent speeches kept our students riveted for the duration of the three hour show.

We have a varied selection of Extra-Curricular activities and clubs for the students to be involved in the term including a new Book Club, Football, Basketball, Table Tennis and many more.

The college is pleased to offer the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme to our students. This year we have had more students than ever signing up to the Gold Award and we are looking forward to a past student Shivani Shingardia receiving her Gold Award at a ceremony in November.


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