students happy

TED Talks

Posted: 28th September 2013

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Brampton students were inspired by the determination and skill of Nicholas McCarthy, a world renowned left-hand only pianist, the humour and bravery of Jessica Thom, who has Tourette’s Syndrome and is “changing the world one tic at a time” as well as other leaders in their field at this Ted Talks event in Royal Albert Hall. The Albertopolis brought together representatives from both Sciences and Arts to show how vital both fields are and that there is no “winner” of some supposed battle between the two.

The final message of the day was from Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer for England. Her speech was about the impact antibiotic resistance could have on the future of medicine and our lives. Given the magnificent venue and the fascinating line-up of topics, the fact that antibiotic resistance was the keynote of Sally’s speech should tell us just how important her message is.

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