students interacting with their teacher

Academic Features


Teaching takes place in small groups. The average class size is 6.9, with a maximum of 9. This enables the tutors to give individual attention to each of the students, taking care of their particular needs. Our teachers are all highly qualified with many years’ specialist A level teaching experience. Many of our staff are A level examiners.

Homework & Supervised Study

Regular homework is an integral part of our courses. In general, A level students are expected to spend as many hours each week in private study as they do within the classroom. Students are encouraged to use the College’s spacious study facilities, which are open from 7.30am until 7.00pm. The library is supervised during class time and provides a quiet area for individual study.

Examination Practice

Extensive practice at answering examination questions under timed conditions is an essential part of preparing for A level and GCSE exams. Weekly or fortnightly tests are an integral feature of all courses, and a critical factor in the success of our students. The tests help both students and tutors identify areas of weakness and introduce new strategies to deal with any difficulties. This helps students gain the confidence and techniques necessary to succeed in examinations.


Weekly tutorials are provided in most subjects and these offer an opportunity for students to clarify points of difficulty, review coursework and deal with any individual problems. In these sessions tutors work closely with students to improve understanding and to give greater confidence in dealing with examination questions. Through this ‘one-to-one’ help, we are able to ensure that each student’s individual needs are attended to in preparation for the exams.

Personal Tutors

Each student is assigned a Personal Tutor, who provides support with both personal and academic matters. Students meet their Tutors every week in a timetabled session. The Tutor also plays an important role in advising students about university application and filling in the UCAS form.

Academic Supervision

We are particularly concerned with monitoring the individual progress of all students in the College. Heads of Department supervise closely the academic progress of their students, using information such as weekly test and homework marks and mock exams. In addition, Personal Tutors receive a detailed fortnightly record of their tutees’ performance, which they discuss with them in their regular meeting. The Principal and Vice Principals also meet every fortnight to discuss student performance. This allows us to intervene at an early stage if a student is making insufficient progress towards achieving their aims.

Learning Support

The College offers individual support to any student who may need additional help or guidance regarding their learning, including advice and strategies for organisation, time management, study skills and exam nerves. The Head of Learning Support is available to speak with parents, liaise with teachers and specialists, but most importantly welcomes drop-ins and regular sessions with students themselves throughout the week. In addition, the College has specialist staff including an experienced Counsellor and Educational Psychologist who are available should these services be needed.

Study skills are supported by both the Personal Tutor and individual subject teachers, who can offer specialised subject help for improving study techniques. In some cases, the Learning Support team may work with a student in addition to this, to help students further develop their exam technique, plan revision and support their overall wellbeing at the College.

The needs of students with SEN are met through the provision of differentiated teaching, evaluation of interventions throughout the year and formal exam access arrangements (where appropriate). All teachers are provided with a summary of a student’s individual needs at the start of their course and therefore, disclosure of any learning or mental health concern is necessary to ensure the College is able to effectively support the student throughout their course.

If you have any questions regarding support at Brampton College, please contact Claire Morley:


Brampton College provides monthly feedback on students’ progress, which is available online. Reports are also sent out regularly as well as details of mock exam results. Parents’ Evenings are held in November and March to discuss progress. We value close personal contact with parents and welcome additional meetings whenever necessary.

Book a place now for our open evening on
Wednesday 13th November, 6-8pm

Please click on the link below for further information and to book.

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