College Facilities


Four purpose-built and spacious laboratories (all of which have been refurbished in the past two years), with up-to-date equipment allow for a full range of A level and GCSE experimental work to be carried out. Access to college network computers in each laboratory provides students with opportunities for data-logging and for private research via the Internet. A fully qualified Laboratory Technician provides students and teachers with support in their planning and carrying out of experimental investigations.


There is a large, specially designed art studio for painting and drawing, sculpture, textiles and photography. This superb facility includes a new dark room, architect desks, an art reference library, computer facilities and a dedicated textiles area. The College offers Art and Photography as an extra curricular option as well as for A level and GCSE.

Academic Library & Resources

The library is a large, supervised, silent study area. It offers a range of academic texts and reference books, novels, drama, poetry and biography, as well as a broad selection of journals and newspapers and a full set of university prospectuses. Students also have access, through a password protected area of the college website, to subject specific information and resources as well as advice regarding careers and UCAS.

Student Common Room

The main common room was designed by the students themselves, for relaxing, listening to music or having lunch. An additional quieter area for students to meet has recently been provided. There are also excellent facilities on Brent Street, a moment’s walk from the College, including a wide range of cafés, restaurants and shops.

Careers Information

The College has two highly experienced specialist Careers Advisers available for individual appointments. They also help students access the best Internet sites and provide up to date information on university courses and careers. The Library and Careers Room house a wide range of literature on Higher Education, including all the latest university prospectuses and careers booklets.


Computers are available for student use in both the Library and the additional common area, providing a wide range of software and multimedia facilities. A WiFi network covers the College and students can have access to the Internet through a fast VDSL line, as well as personal devices (laptops, tablets and smart phones). Individual network accounts are given to all students, allowing them both internal and external access to their College e-mail and VLE. A dedicated computer room is used by Computing students, which has an interactive whiteboard, projector and the latest application and programming software. All classrooms are equipped with computers and digital projectors, extensively used by teachers in their lessons. Students are encouraged to make use of the computer system and facilities for coursework, UCAS applications, research and communications.

Book a place now for our open evening on
Wednesday 13th November, 6-8pm

Please click on the link below for further information and to book.

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