students happy

E Safety

Posted: 20th March 2013

The college uses many different types of technology to enhance learning. We want to ensure students get the most from it, by encouraging responsible online behaviour. We want our students to make informed decisions about

• keeping personal information private
• considering the long-term implications of any content posted online
• not uploading or posting inappropriate, offensive or illegal content to their own or other online spaces
• reading and adhering to any website’s terms of conditions of use – including those around age restrictions.

Many search engines provide filtering facilities to remove unsuitable sites and advertising for search results, and most web browsers allow users to customise and adjust their settings for security, privacy and content. There are also a number of search engines which are suitable for young people.

Social Networking is becoming increasingly popular in schools and colleges to support learning and encourage creative use of the internet, and publish and share content. These technologies need to be used in a safe and responsible way, and appropriate online behaviour encouraged.

To help our students consider some of these risks we have shown them this video which outlines some of the areas they should consider. ‘Exposed’ is a 10 minute drama has been designed for 14 to 18 year olds. ‘Exposed’ deals with the subjects of sexting and cyberbullying, issues that teenagers commonly face.

Categories: Latest News Stories

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Wednesday 13th November, 6-8pm

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