Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice is a community-based hospice service providing support for children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions and their families in North and Central London and Hertsmere.
In 2011, research commissioned by Together for Short Lives and conducted by Leeds University revealed that there could be at least 1,086 children who would benefit from Noah’s Ark’s help. Year-on-year Noah’s Ark has seen an increase in referrals from families needing their support and they have expanded their services to meet that need.
Noah’s Ark currently has an annual income target of £1.7m to provide vital services. As a charity, they remain dependent on private donations to provide their services with less than 8% of funding coming from the statutory sector.
As Brampton’s Charity Committee, we are currently in the midst of planning multiple events this year to raise lots of money towards this amazing charity. So far, this includes a quiz, a cinema experience and a candy cane sale. And we have already raised £150 from our bake sale a few weeks ago!