students happy

Celebrating April’s Brampton Stars

Posted: 5th May 2016


It’s all hotting up – student study, exam preparation and indeed the temperature outside! And within this thriving hustle and bustle are some star students who very much deserve celebrating.
The Chemistry department is pleased to announce April’s shining Chemistry stars, selected for their unfailing commitment to their Chemistry, some in the face of real adversity.
Davina Patel (G1)
Isla Penman (AS)
Fewa Laleye (A2)
Amina Mushtaq (A2)
Rahee Radia (A1)
Deborah Meyer (A1)
Amina Mushtaq for excellent application to her Chemistry studies
throughout the year and for consistently achieving high standards.
In the Biology department the following students are praised for their hard work and positive attitude to the subject.
Amina Mushtaq (A2)
Naveed Bashir (A2)
Nimai Gadhvi (A2)
Aaisha Khalid-Aziz (WJEC)
Pooja Halai (AS)
Jeevika Purewal (AS)
Ethan Assor (AS)
Pippa Hussain (GCSE)
Pippa Hussain – for her superb and consistent effort in Biology. Some of our AS students could learn a thing or two from her about work ethic!
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