The day started off with the tutors telling us to draw rather onamatapaic things, such as a loud bang, or a bright light, which are hard things to emulate with charcoal. This activity involved lots of quick drawings, creating a large abstract piece.
AS the day progressed, we were asked to sketch the model in a very short amount of time, in numerous poses. We were then asked to experiment with colour. The idea behind this was to break the habit of drawing outlines, and instead to draw within the figure, “not limit it with lines”.
Having done many quick sketches, we were asked to spend more time on the final drawing, which was to be the model in two poses. We were asked to implement some of the techniques use throughout the day, but it was not compulsory. Throughout the day, we reviewed our own and each other’s work. I took many ideas from others people work and used them in mine. It was clear throughout the day that the more successful pieces were those that were evolving from the techniques taught throughout the day.
For my final drawing I tried to use as many of the ideas that I got from earlier in the day to create a successful piece.
I found the day very interesting and thought provoking. Most of the techniques used on the day can be applied to other areas of art and not just life drawing. I intend to use the techniques learnt in the future. I thoroughly enjoyed entertaining another way of working completely and broadening my art knowledge.