Heather Keynes and Barbara White invited students to join them at a conference in Central London on Monday 9th December. The event was designed to educate and entertain students with a variety of speakers. These included Professor Richard Wiseman, Professor in the Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire and Andrew Newton a hypnotist and regular lecturer to Psychology Students on Hypnosis, Suggestion, and Group behaviour.
Zoe, A2 student wrote ’I really enjoyed the conference. I especially liked when volunteers were included in the talk and invited onto stage. It made is seem much more real and less pre-planned. The hypnosis was the most interesting and funny part for me because it really drew us all in. The was Andrew Newton hypnotised all the volunteers was interesting to see as some people appeared completely out of control. Overall the conference was extremely worthwhile. The speakers taught me many new things such as how imagination can play such a big part in how our bodies move when the brain is under strict instruction and concentration’.
Another A2 Psychology student Guily commented ‘The Presentation given by Richard Wiseman on the Power of the Mind was intriguing. He taught me that the power of the mind is relatively new and the way you perceive a situation influences the way you tackle it. One can either view a situation as negative, or embrace situations as opportunities that can be used for our advantage. His use of magic tricks kept the whole audience engaged’.