students happy

Building student confidence is key. The rest is academic.

Posted: 18th August 2016

Students at Brampton College received fantastic A level results once again on Thursday with the vast majority receiving a place at their preferred university choice. Whilst obtaining a place at their chosen university and academic achievement is crucial for students, Brampton believes that developing students’ self-belief, confidence and perseverance during their time at the College is equally critical.

Brampton works hard to ensure it provides a learning environment where students feel they are looked after, but also where they are encouraged to learn from challenging circumstances or setbacks. Each student is assigned a Personal Tutor who provides support with both personal and academic matters. The College also has a Student Counsellor and an Educational Psychologist who are available for individual consultation should the need arise. In addition, the College runs a series of wellbeing workshops. These involve team building activities which explore ways to develop a positive attitude and emotional resilience.

Bernard Canetti comments “The pressure on young people today is immense and we see many students come to us suffering from stress, anxiety and low self-esteem. It’s profoundly important that we create an environment where students feel that their teachers are concerned about them as individuals and believe in them, so they are supported and develop into resilient young adults. When students leave us feeling confident and happy then we know we have achieved success.”

Matan Hamburger transferred to Brampton from another school and has achieved outstanding grades of A*A*A*A*. He comments “I had done my AS levels at another school and felt that I needed more support to achieve my goals. I think that it is this support that makes Brampton stand out as a different type of sixth form college. The constant availability of teachers at college as well as the care the staff put into the students, provides the impetus for the motivation and resulting success of the students.”

Meera Mawkin, a student at Brampton who obtained a place at Kings College London, comments “I was scared about starting a new school but now that I am at the end of the journey, I will never look back. Brampton taught me that if you never struggle, you don’t feel like you have achieved something. If you don’t get low grades, you don’t appreciate the high grades and that the main purpose of being in school is to access help and learn. That’s what makes Brampton so unique – it doesn’t matter who you are, it doesn’t matter what grades you started with or the name of your previous school, they care about your happiness – they care about you. Thank you Brampton for inspiring and motivating me.”

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