students happy

International student achieves A*A*A!

Posted: 3rd September 2020

International Students

My name is Innokentii Grigorev. For my A levels I studied Computer Science, Photography and Mathematics in which I achieved grades of A* A* A. I am now off to study at King’s College London to read Computer Science with Intelligent Systems course.

I moved to the UK two years ago and, as an international student in a new country, I found Brampton extremely supportive in helping me get used to a new studying environment.

In my home country of Russia, photography is not considered a school subject so I was amazed when I found out that I could enjoy my hobby as a subject in college. I am grateful to my photography teachers, Javier and Ochi, for helping me develop as an artist during the last two years.

I also really enjoyed doing Computer Science in Brampton as it is always awesome when you can discuss topics beyond the curriculum level with your teacher and get useful advice on every question you ask. Thank you, Imran!

I really appreciate the understanding and patience of my teachers from the Mathematics department. Alice, Jonathan and Bagher taught me a lot and carefully helped me to work through each and every mistake I made during weekly tests. In these two years I went from Cs and Ds on assessments to an A as a final result.

Special words of gratitude go to Paul Conyers and Sarah Sephton for their continuous mentoring and support. I always felt that they believed in me despite mixed results of my day to day studies. They helped me keep my confidence up that I could do it!

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