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Seizing the opportunity to make 2021 the Year of Sustainability 

Posted: 7th January 2021

Rewrite the Future

Given the sweeping change and unprecedented circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic and yet another lockdown, it’s easy to overlook some other issues that would otherwise be in the forefront of our minds. The environment and sustainability are two such issues that have been rapidly gaining traction on a global level in recent years but have been deprioritised under the spread of the coronavirus. However, here at Brampton College, we want to focus our attention on positive action when it comes to the environment. Research reveals that environmental pollution has been minimized as a result of the global lockdown and therefore, COVID-19 represents something of a generational opportunity to re-think the way that we live our lives.

We want to seize this opportunity and make 2021, the Year of Sustainability. With the help of the Brampton Green Committee, we are hoping to increase students’ awareness of environmental issues and engage them with a number of both inward and outward facing initiatives. To kick-start our plans, we have already instructed an external agency to conduct a carbon footprint assessment, and we will be working with them to move towards becoming carbon-neutral. 

Another project we’re proud to announce is our on-going partnership with the WWF and the college’s nomination to name them as our ‘Charity of the Year 2021’, specifically to raise funds to protect the endangered African elephant. At the end of last term, our first year students attended an excellent Zoom talk from the WWF about the plight of these elephants, and how poaching and the destruction of their habitat has led to a sharp decrease in their numbers (a staggering decline of 86% in the last 50 years).  The College has ‘adopted’ some of these elephants, as well as some other endangered animals, and these funds will pay to train and equip community scouts who patrol the areas within the vast Mau-Mara-Serengeti region that are most vulnerable to illegal activity, including logging and poaching. Students will continue to raise money throughout the rest of the academic year with various fundraising activities planned.  

If you would be interested in supporting the WWF’s endeavors to ensure these magnificent animals escape extinction, we would be most grateful.  There is a link below to our Just Giving page. 

Barmpton’s Charitable Trust has recently made a donation to the WWF, including £2,000 towards their adopt an elephant fund, and will match all donations made by parents, students and staff.  In addition we have also specified a donation to the Land for Life Project in the Maasai Mara to protect wildlife and to support the Maasi communities in Kenya and Tanzania. 

We look forward to sharing the rest of the college’s green initiatives soon and the progress we’re making as they develop. Here’s to a collaborative effort for a better environment and a positive outlook for 2021. 

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