This morning we made the first drop of items collected to the Colindale Food Bank. The lady at the food back was so grateful! We will continue to collect for food banks and look forward to receiving your generous donations for those who need it the most.
We kindly ask you to bring any donations to the college reception which is open weekdays between 8.30am and 4.00pm. We’ll then make regular trips to the food banks to drop off the supplies. Please see the shopping list below.
UHT milk
Tinned meat
Tinned fruit and veg
Toilet rolls
Tuna, sardines and mackerel
2 in 1 shampoo
Baked beans
Tinned custard/rice pudding
Pasta sauce
Washing tablets/capsules
Jam and peanut butter
Sanitary wear
Shower gel
Please be assured that drop-off will be completely Covid-safe, with no contact involved. It would be helpful if you could call us on 0208 2035025 before you come in so we can expect your arrival. We will buzz you into reception where you can drop your donations off. The office area is totally separate and there will be no need to hand anything over to anyone, you will be able to drop donations in a designated area.
Clothes bank donations!
We will also be collecting clothes to donate to the charity, Homeless Action, in Barnet. They are looking for various items which they publish weekly on their website, here: We kindly ask that you only bring in items specified on their website as we do not have space to store surplus clothes. Again, drop off of donations will be contact-free and Covid-safe – please follow the same instructions for food bank donations.