students happy

“I have so many more life skills now and money can’t buy things like that!”

Posted: 31st August 2023

girl holding her A level results

Anaya Gilligan tells us why Brampton has helped her both academically but also personally….

“I’ve got into UCL – I’m thrilled and couldn’t be happier! Coming to Brampton College was a second chance really. When I came for the initial interview I immediately loved the feel of place – everyone was so friendly and it just felt like the right environment to learn in. It was so easy to make the decision to come and I’m so pleased I did!

The small class sizes are definitely one of Brampton’s stand out features. With 5-9 students in a class, you can’t really get that anywhere else. You get a lot of attention from your teachers so they really get to know you and understand what your strengths and weaknesses are. I’ve never met friendlier staff in my life and they’re so passionate about their respective subjects which in turn makes you passionate too.

I’m a completely different person leaving Brampton. I wouldn’t recognise myself if I saw myself last year! Not only am I more confident academically, but also socially. I was painfully shy at my old school and scared I was going to really struggle out in the world, with job interviews and so on. I’m now so much more relaxed and self-assured. I have so many more life skills now and money can’t buy things like that!”

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Wednesday 13th November, 6-8pm

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