In 2010 Brampton College came top of all Sixth Form Colleges in London for the tenth year running. Each year the Department for Education School and Performance tables give the average A/AS Level point score per entry.
We also add excellent ‘Added Value’
The Government has a score which indicates how much an institution has improved a student’s performance (taking into consideration socio-economic factors). A score of 1,000 shows students have done as well as expected, considering their GCSE scores.
Schools and colleges with a score of 1042 and above are in the top 2% nationally. In Barnet only two independent schools were in this category; Brampton College came top scoring 24.4 marks more than the next best school. Students at Brampton College do far better than expected at A level considering their GCSE results.
Brampton College provides excellent added value and impressive academic standards. The combination of academic excellence, demonstrated in exam results, and added value is second to none!