Tim Mills and the rest of the Brampton’s overseas student team took time out on the weekend to introduce students to London. They based the day on the game of Monopoly and the students visited as many sites as possible in one day! Points were awarded for the most places visited and the students were required to take a photo with their mascot as evidence. The winning team recieved a tourist guide to London and some chocolates. A great day was had by all who attended.
‘Last Sunday, our teacher gathered together all the overseas students to go on a ‘Monopoly Run’. The aim was actually to show us all the important places in London and how to get there, but it was also an interesting game.’
‘We were tired but enjoyed the Monopoly Run. We got lost at the end but we got to know London better than we had before and we took a lot of photos with the symbol of our team.’
‘I am so glad that I joined the Monopoly activity. I found it really useful because it helped me get to know London and also make some friends. This activity helped me in team work as well. I suggest all students new to Britian join this activity.’