students happy

Biomedical Engineering Talk

Posted: 29th September 2012

teacher delivering a class

Dr Steve Niederer, lecturer on Biomedical Engineering at Kings College London came to speak to Brampton students about the research he undertakes. One of our students Hari Patel writes

‘The talk given by Dr Steven Neiderer gave me a real insight into Biomedical Engineering . I enjoyed the fact that the practice of medicine has been revolutionised by the very increasing role of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Engineering. This talk has given me a perspective of how the combination of all the life sciences has affected the role of doctors, and the way medicinal technology has progressed. The development of inorganic organs, for example saves countless lives, as they replace failing organs. Bio medical engineering also focuses on the development of exceptional computer programming and 3-dimentional scanning. I love a subject that not only focuses on the development of human healthcare but also concentrates on the further development of computer and engineering technology. This is a field that was born to help the health and technological side of life and I thoroughly enjoyed the lecture.’

The talk was extremely well attended and is the first in a series of speakers booked for this academic year.




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