students happy

Congratulations to Kerry

Posted: 4th May 2015


Our congratulations go to Kerry Pearson, one of the chemistry teachers at Brampton College, who has been selected for Team A for the Great Britain Canoe Polo squads after a challenging selection tournament this weekend In Charleroi.

To do well in this sport there is a need for excellent canoeing and ball handling skills. Kerry excels at this exciting contact team game, where tactics and positional play are as important as the speed and fitness of the individual athletes.

The game requires excellent teamwork and promotes both general canoeing skills and a range of other techniques unique to the sport. Each team has five players on the pitch (and up to three substitutes), who compete to score in their opponents goal which is suspended two metres above the water. The ball can be thrown by hand, or flicked with the paddle to pass between players and shoot at the goal.

We know Kerry to be an excellent team player who always tries her best. She is an excellent role model for our students as she has worked tireless to reach her goals and has accepted nothing less than her best. She will be keen to maintain her position and will work hard to make sure she does so. Many of the same characteristics of planning, determination and hard work are needed to enable our students to do their best in the exams.
All her colleagues and students join with applauding her success. Well done Kerry!
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