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How to Get Organised for College

Posted: 6th February 2019

School Bag

Good organisational skills are vital for study. Organisation comes naturally to many people, but for others it takes a little more time and effort. It’s nothing that some new routines and systems can’t help with! We have put together some advice below on how to get organised for college.

It’s worth using checklists, particularly at first, to help get you into the swing of things and develop a routine. After all, consistency is very important if you want to succeed. You can use a checklist for anything from items you need to pack into your bag, to pieces of homework you need to complete by the end of the week. By crossing things off your list, you’ll feel a sense of achievement, which will encourage you to keep up the good work. There are plenty of apps that can help or you could print your checklist out and stick it to the fridge.

Another great way to keep things organised is to prepare for college the night before. Lay out the clothes and accessories you’re going to wear, plug in any devices that you might need so that they charge up overnight and pack your bag with the right books. This will limit confusion in the morning when you’re feeling sleepy, and will prevent the all too familiar morning rush.

Make sure you have a set space for studying, where noise and distractions are limited. Set up all the supplies you might need, such as stationery and books, so that you don’t have to go looking for things whilst studying. It might also be helpful to set a study time as well, so that you can separate college work from chill time. Be sure to allow yourself time to unwind after studying!

Categories: Blog Posts

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