Congratulations to our students who achieved 69.8% A*/A grades and 91% A*-B grades in their A levels this year across a range of subjects. 77% of our students were also placed at their first choice university. 16 of these students achieved a place to read Medicine, which is an outstanding result!
Medicine has always been a highly competitive course and it is no mean feat to achieve a place. However, since 2000 Brampton has placed over 660 students, including retake students, on Medicine, Dentistry and other medically related courses at universities including Oxford, Bristol, Sheffield, Kings, Imperial, Queen Mary and University College.
Our track record of placing students on medical courses is down to our comprehensive Medical Programme, which offers dedicated guidance and preparation to ensure the best chance of success. This includes a weekly Medical Forum and extensive advice and support from our specialist careers advisers, along with a range of visits from university admissions officers and talks by visitors in varying professions including Doctors, Medical students and Dentists.
For more information on the Medical Programme, please follow this link,
Alternatively, to find out more, and for advice on the best subjects to study for Medicine, please get in touch with Pam Glenville, our Admissions Secretary by calling 020 8203 5025 or by emailing at