students happy

Our focus on learning and support during these times

Posted: 20th November 2020

Brampton College Student

Amidst this second Covid-19 lockdown, anxiety levels nationwide are high. However, at Brampton College we continue to deliver our full timetable and maintain a strong sense of normality, albeit with the addition of a strict suite of safety measures and some ‘hybrid’ learning in place.

Hybrid learning refers to classes held with students attending both in person and online (for those who are isolating). Every classroom is now fitted with ceiling cameras and advanced IT capability to ensure teaching is as seamless, inclusive and ‘normal’ as possible. So far this has proven to be a great success.

The measures we have in place in the College in order to mitigate the risk of transmission of the virus include compulsory temperature checking on arrival, mask-wearing throughout the College buildings at all times and a one-way system to prevent the likelihood of crowding in communal spaces.  In addition, mindful of the crucial importance of adequate ventilation to the prevention of transmission, windows and doors are kept open in every room to allow fresh air to circulate.  These measures have proved extremely successful thus far, but remain under continual review.

Student wellbeing remains at the top of our agenda, and in these uncertain times it is more important than ever to create a safe, supportive and nurturing environment for everyone. As usual, we have our wellbeing team at hand should students become anxious or concerned. Our Head of Learning Support offers both drop-in or regular sessions in person or via Zoom meetings, and students have really benefitted from this personal and flexible approach. Our Student Counsellor and Educational Psychologist are also available to ensure students feel as supported as possible.

We of course continue to monitor the local and national situation carefully and are fully prepared to adapt and respond accordingly as and when things change. We’d like to thank all our students and staff for their continued support and work to make Brampton a safe community

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Wednesday 13th November, 6-8pm

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