students happy

Thank you for helping our daughter achieve her best

Posted: 7th December 2022

Brampton College exterior

My daughter is a very clever girl, diligent and bright. However, she didn’t get great grades in her mock GCSEs and then the pandemic disrupted her studies even further. She stopped working and became disengaged. Nonetheless, she started her A levels at her previous school and showed interest in studying Medicine down the line. It became obvious very quickly that she was still unhappy. She felt that no one at her school would listen to her or support her and it was very upsetting for us to see her like this.

A good friend of ours, also a teacher, recommended that we speak to Brampton College and so we called them to make an appointment. She was reluctant to change schools, but upon visiting we could immediately see that the college was somewhere she could be happy and feel supported. Bernard, the Principal, met us and was incredibly generous with his time, treating her like an adult and discussing her options in detail. He put absolutely no pressure on her to move schools, but asked her to be 100% sure about her decision, for her sake. She was clearly confident that Brampton could offer her the support she needed to improve her grades. More importantly perhaps, she felt that they had faith in her to do well and that she could treat the move as a fresh and positive start to turn things around.

Once she started at the college, we witnessed how quickly she became happy again and enthused about her studies. The teachers allowed her to be herself and the level of support and motivation they provided gave her the boost of confidence she needed to flourish. The difference was incredible! We are beyond proud that she achieved A*A*A* and a place at the University of Bath to read Natural Sciences, the course of her dreams.

We are all so grateful to Brampton College. Our son is studying there now and we’d recommend Brampton to anyone, without a doubt! Thank you for helping our daughter achieve her best and for nurturing her into a self-assured and determined young adult.

Mother of Student

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