On Wednesday 22nd January, students were off timetable for the day to enable 30-minute one-to-one meetings with their personal tutor (PT). During these meetings, PTs discussed each student’s January assessment results, punctuality, attendance, revision techniques and time management.
In collaboration with each student, the PT then wrote targets which will be sent home to parents and reviewed at the next parents’ evening. As part of the day, first year A level students also had a talk about UCAS from our Careers Advisor, Lisa. Lisa then delivered a similar talk for the year one parents in the evening. Every first-year student will soon have a one-to-one meeting with Lisa and a bespoke email of advice and next steps will be emailed to each student and their parents. This will be followed up with a trip to a university and apprenticeship fair in June and two days of focussed UCAS workshops to begin writing personal statements.
In September, the students will then be allocated a reference tutor who will meet with them several times to support the application process. Extra support will be given to those applying for medical careers and to Oxford or Cambridge. In 2024, 74% of applicants from Brampton College achieved a place at Russell group universities, including the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Imperial College, LSE, UCL, the University of Bristol and King’s College London.