We want to regularly share information about our wonderful staff here at Brampton College. This month, we’re introducing Sam Kaltsa, our Welfare Officer and Deputy Safeguarding Lead, who shares a…
My name Dominique Cowen My role at Brampton College Geography Teacher My subject is the best because It is so relevant to everyone. Learning about the…
My name Adam Bainbridge My subject is the best because I’m an art teacher I love my role because You choose what the subject is about! You choose what fits your…
My name Sarah Galea My role at Brampton College Higher Education Adviser I love my role because I take huge pleasure in helping students put together successful and positive university…
Your role at Brampton College… Timetabler, designer of our management information system, member of senior management strategic planning team, and Physics teacher My subject is the best because…. Physics provides…
Head of English My subject is the best because…. It rewards intellectual courage, provides infinite variety and constantly questions the value of things. If you want to be any…
Your role at Brampton College… Second in Chemistry. I work closely with Susan, Head of Chemistry, to ensure the department runs smoothly. And I make notice boards look pretty! My…